Nuclear x Ultrassônico

sexta-feira 04 nov 2022

End-users in the mineral processing and dredging industries often report issues related to their nuclear gauges. A few examples are: Regulations, disposal of the old source, radiation leakage inspections, storage, radiation safety training, and transportation. For this reason, companies are looking for alternative methods to measure slurry density in their production processes.

There is a large need to migrate from nuclear density gauges to ultrasonic density meters. The transition to ultrasonic density meters will offer benefits such as reducing operational costs and improving safety on-site. The operational expenses are significantly reduced because the ultrasonic density meters do not require repeated maintenance tasks and other expenses to comply with radiation safety regulations. Below you can find an example of the cost differences between nuclear and ultrasonic instruments. The purchase costs are comparable to the ultrasonic meter, but the installation costs in the nuclear sector in particular are higher due to specialist needed.

Nuclear density meters have been dominating the market for decades but are nowadays no longer required in most of the typical slurry density measurement applications. Rhosonics is helping the industry to eliminate all costs and risks associated with the radiation source, by offering the ultrasonic Slurry Density Meter (SDM).

O Rhosonics Slurry Density Meter (SDM)’s attractive features

  • High accuracy and reproducibility
  • Compact and robust design
  • Easy installation and calibration
  • Maintenance free
  • In situ, no moving parts
  • High-end software technology that is easy to operate
  • Data logging capabilities
  • Supports various communication protocols, including Modbus, Profibus & HART (in combination with the Rhosonics RCU)

Check this page to see where the Slurry Density Meters are installed globally.

Entre em contato conosco if you recognize any of these regulation issues or if you want to know more about ultrasonic density measurement technology.

Also, read our whitepaper about ‘Dez problemas com medidores nucleares‘.

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